Monday, April 4, 2011

Random Thought Day

So, Governor Snyder wants to level the playing field.  He wants to eliminate having to pick winners and losers, while at the same time grow jobs here in Michigan.  So how does he do it in the first ninety days of his administration?  He eliminates the price sticker law in the State.  For those that don't know, every retailer in the state was required to have price stickers on every piece of merchandise in their stores.  This way, the consumer would know what the cost was at all times.  So in an effort to create jobs, after all these retailers told the Governor that because of this law they had to raise prices to hire the people to place the stickers on the merchandise.  If the Governor would scrap the law, they said, they would be able to lower prices and keep the same people on to provide even better customer service to its customers.  So, let me get this eliminating the law the retailer will keep on the people that they said they had to hire, but yet still be able to lower prices?  This makes no sense.  If the reason prices are high is because they had to hire people, how can they lower prices and keep the employee?  Now the retailer says, it's because of the fines they had to pay for having merchandise that was priced incorrectly.  I smell B.S.  A family member that works for Wal-Mart told me that they agreed with the change, and that it was going to create even MORE jobs.  How did they know this?  Because that what was explained in the company memo sent out to every employee in the state.  Yep - Wal Mart has pledged more jobs in the state once this law is scrapped.  Well, two things here:  First, the state doesn't need any more minimum wage Wal Mart jobs, we need higher paying technical and manufacturing jobs to make a dent in the unemployment and fiscal mess we find ourselves in.  Secondly, if you believe that scrapping this law is going to actually CREATE jobs I have a bridge to sell you that connects the lower and upper peninsula's.
Here is another one of Governor Snyder's job creation programs, eliminating the Brownfield Redevelopment Program.  For those that aren't familiar with it, it is basically a tax break program to take old industrial area's, clean them up, and re-use or clean up the land for new development.  This program was supported by every Governor since it's inception and has really worked.  It is hard to older cities that have had industrial complexes to attract new businesses onto land that needs this type of clean-up without this type of program.  Now if you are company A, and you want to move to the Flint area, and you have 2 options.  One is an old industrial site that needs environmental clean up, the second option is a new facility only a few miles away in Grand Blanc that is half the cost.  Which would you do?  Of course, if there is no incentive - you are going to pick the latter.  This program is vital for the future success of cities like Detroit and Flint, but it has worked in every corner of the state.  From Marquette to Monroe, communities have seen positive impacts from the program.  Here is a before and after example from Kalamazoo:

Now what do you think that bakery does for employees?  Robots?  Trained Monkeys?  Full Automation?  Nope - IT HIRES PEOPLE!!!  But according to Governor Snyder this is a loser.  He thinks a better idea is to have a flat corporate tax, and increase taxes on the elderly and middle class to make up the difference.  With a flat corporate tax this bakery would have never been built.  I just keeping going back to what George H.W. Bush said about Reaganomics - it's "Voodoo Economics".  Believe me, as much as I hate to admit it - the guy was right.  The trickle down theory does not work.  Corporation get richer and the individual does not.  The past 30 years have proven it as we have virtually lost the middle class, and the separation between the rich and poor has widened.  So the Governor has a great idea to create jobs and he will get it passed in his rubber stamp legislature.  It better work or he will find himself recalled soon, and those that support him will not be re-elected.
Speaking of re-elections.  It appears that Rep. Ben Glardon had an interesting coffee hour last week in New Lothrop.  It was a packed house with the majority of people against almost everything that the Governor has supported.  In his best politicese- Rep. Glardon said that he hasn't had the chance to fully read all of the Governor's proposals, so he couldn't base a fair opinion on them.  Hmmmm....does he read a newspaper?   What exactly is this guy doing everyday?  Then, he stated,.......wait for it........that he had spoken to many on pensions, and that these people WANT their pensions taxed.  REALLY.....who are these people, and what ward of the hospital are they in?  A member in the audience mentioned that he the Representative did vote for the Governor's proposals he would not get re-elected.  To which Rep. Glardon responded "I didn't get into this to be re-elected, I did this to help the state of Michigan get out of this mess".  Well Representative Glardon - you could start by picking up a piece of paper, any piece of paper (we'll start small here), and READ it.  You sir are officially on the clueless list.
Lastly, this week begins the 2012 Presidential Election cycle.  If you are reading this you have no doubt whom I support.  Here is a link and stay involved.  Til next time.......

1 comment:

  1. In regards to the price stickers. Small retailers, such as my employer, are already exempt from this law. We have fewer than 30 employees. We are/were merely required to have adequate shelf tags, not tags on individual items.

    The only businesses even able to benefit from this supposed labor savings are large retailers such as Walmart, etc. and I couldn't agree more with your sentiment regarding the quality of their jobs.
