Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back on track

It has been far to long since my last post.  But the last has been so busy I haven't had time to catch my breath...until now.  So much has happened in the last month.  Obama killing Bin Pervert with his own bare hands, Snyder's brilliant tax scheme errrrrrr I mean budget being passed, Gingrich in, and now maybe out, and in a few days the first signatures on the Recall Snyder campaign will be signed.  Oh, I forgot - the take over of Benton Harbor by the State.  I know I am all over the place, but it has been so long that I have written my thoughts are all over the place.
First and foremost, congratulations to the Obama administration and the brave men and women of our military that accomplished what the previous administration couldn't.  Bringing justice for those effected almost 10 years ago at the World Trade Center.  Of course the right will say that it was due to the techniques used to gather information by the Bush administration, and that most of the credit should go to our former President.  I say BULLSHIT!!  He had 7 years to get Bin Laden and failed.  Also, the decision itself was probably the gutsiest since Kennedy decided on the blockade and not military action during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Obama's decision to use Special Forces instead of bombing ensured that we could have proof of Bin Laden's death and eliminate the probability of collateral damage.  If it didn't work, it very well would have cost him his re-election chances.  He knew this and went forward anyway because it was the best course of action for not only the United States, but for diplomacy around the world.  The right will have a hard time hammering him on foreign affairs in 2012 now.
Governor Snyder continues on with his agenda with the approval of the rubber stamp legislature.  His budget passed which will give further tax breaks to the large corporations and increase the taxes on the middle classes, elderly and poor.  What is amazing here is that he is convinced that this is the right thing to do, but yet when pressed on how many jobs this will actually create, he can't and won't say.  He admits that he can't be sure that this will work, and the numbers bear this out.  Michigan is third from the bottom among all states in regards to taxation on corporations in the United States right now.  I don't see a lot of companies taking advantage of the breaks right now and we are damn near the cheapest.  Yet he now gives further tax breaks off of the backs of the elderly and poor for these large entities.  I just don't get it, how can he honestly believe that this is going to be good for the State and for the working class when many can't afford to pay their mortgage or for food right now.  This along with the elimination of the film tax credit will actually cost Michigan more jobs, and we'll see more people losing their homes, destroying the already devastated housing market in the State.   The whole Benton Harbor mess is a joke.  I must say that I am very proud of Rachel Maddow and her coverage on this matter.  I wonder if I will show up in a search because I mentioned her name in my blog??  What the Snyder administration has done is completely ignore the Constitution and create a Dictatorship in the City.  The new Dictator is Joseph Harris who was appointed by Snyder to oversee the entire local government in Benton Harbor.  Now I know we have all seen the coverage, so my only question to the Governor is this.....How is this following the Republican credo of smaller government?  Seriously.  How does the State take over of a Municipality fit into the Republican agenda I have heard about for as long as I can remember.  You know - the one that wants to limit the size of government and give more power to those at the City level.  How does his actions accomplish this?  The State is now in full control of a city.  How does this fit into the right wing agenda?  It doesn't, and Governor Snyder and every Republican that supports this is a hypocrite for doing so.  This is taxation without representation, and it needs to be challenged and fast.  The recall petition has been approved, and the first signatures will be signed in a few short days, it is going to be an interesting summer.
On the national level, I found it interesting that Newt Gingrich announces and within 7 days probably destroyed his own chances for election.  If you haven't seen it - youtube it - it is funny stuff.  So who will it be on the right?  Palenti?  Palin?  Bachman? - who knows - but with the list that the right is throwing out right now, don't be surprised if it is embarrassing next November.  The one name that is interesting to me on a couple of levels is Bobby Jendhel (the Gov. of LA) - he would be an interesting choice and I am sure would drive many on the right out of their minds because of their own prejudiced beliefs.  He would put up a good fight, and it would be interesting to see if the country is ready for our first President of Indian descent.
Finally, I must get to this.  Democratic Rep Barb Bynum here in the State of Michigan is proving those who like term limits right with her action as of late.  Barb is a huge fan of Twitter and Facebook, and while social media tools can be used well and help her with her constituents, I think Barb may have a problem understanding how to properly use them.  She will post on both sites, at least 7 times a day - not a problem - unless she is hawking Mary Kay Cosmetics instead of working on the floor of the legislature like she is supposed to be doing.  She is giving those that believe in term limits, or better yet a part time legislature ammunition to do so with her inane posts when the legislature is in session.  It happens at least 3 times a day when one will see a post about a great Mary Kay deal, a Bigby coupon, or what her kid said while she is driving home.  Barb - you  are an elected official - you work for the people of your district - for the love of God - stop Facebooking and Tweeting about anything other than what is being discussed on the floor when you are in session.  When you post about anything else - and I mean ANYTHING ELSE - it appears that you are slacking off and not doing the job that we as your constituents pay you very well to do.  Sell Mary Kay on your own time - not ours.  You are now officially in the clueless club.

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